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September 9, 2016 Parenthood

Toddlers Be Crazy

She is screeching. Again. We’re in a quiet bookstore on a weekday afternoon. There’s no other family in sight, even in the children’s section. The place is full of careworn bookworms or hip Millenials. And all of them seem to be glowering at me. I can about guess what’s running through their heads: “Why can’t…

February 18, 2015 Creativity

Writing with Kids: Creativity Vampires or Miniature Muses

As of this morning I’m less than three weeks out from my due date with my second child. His or her imminent arrival fills me with a mixture of apprehension and excitement which I manage to control with a swiftly depleting reserve of patience. Of course it doesn’t help that I am also waiting to…

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